Lead Boots: Pipe Boots Rubber vs Lead

Pipe Boots

Where can I get the best boots? I hear Texas has the best selection. But I’m not sure what boot is right for me though. I know I want the best boots I can get. And I also know I want boots that are durable and will last.  They will need to be able to hold up in all kind weather…  you know; rain, snow, heat and cold. I ‘m aware that some boots can be expensive, but then, I don’t want to have to pay too much for them either. I guess the main thing is that I don’t want them to end up on “Boot Hill” too soon because they were any good. On yeah, did I mention we’re talking about boots for pipes that extend through the roofs of houses?

There are generally two types of pipe boots that are used in the roofing industry today, lead and rubber or plastic. Pipe boots are important because they keep water from entering a structure from around pipes on the roof. Their sole purpose is to keep water from entering down around the pipes. They are a type of flashing to seal out the water.

“Plastic or rubber boots” are less costly than the lead boot and will not last as long. Plastic boots can become brittle over time especially in areas where there is a wide range in temperature. The expanding and contracting of the plastic due to the changes in weather can cause the plastic base to curl and cause the nails holding it in place to be pulled out. The rubber seal that fits snugly around the pipe is always the concern for the 3n1 pipe boot. They will on average have to be replaced about every 10 years. So though they might be less expensive they will not have the life span that the lead boot has.

“Lead boots” on the other hand are more expensive than its plastic counterpart. The lead boot is solid lead and slides down over the exhaust pipe and then the lead is folded over into the top of the pipe. Lead pipe boots though more expensive than plastic pipe boots will last much longer. Most lead pipe boots will outlast an asphalt shingled roof. One of the concerns of lead boots are squirrels. Squirrels teeth are always growing so they always looking for something to gnaw on. The soft metal chew seems to meet their need keep their teeth healthy.

Before you make your decision you might want to check with a roofing professional. They should be able to share a wealth of knowledge on the topic with you. But, whether you choose one or the other they both have their upside and their downside. Kind of like coffee… leaded or regular?

So which is better, the rubber or lead boot? Well that’s up to you cowboy.